How to Hold and Handle Your Custom Vinyl Records Properly

How to Hold and Handle Your Custom Vinyl Records Properly

Whether you have custom, lathe-cut vinyl records or mass-produced, pressed albums, it's essential to handle and care for them properly to ensure optimal sound quality and longevity. Vinyl records are delicate, and mishandling can lead to scratches, warping, or other damage that affects their playability. In this article, we will explore the best practices for holding and handling your custom vinyl records, providing valuable tips to help you preserve their quality and cherish them for years to come.

How to Handle Vinyl Records

When handling vinyl records, it's crucial to follow these guidelines:

  1. Clean Hands: Before handling your records, make sure your hands are clean and free from oils, dirt, or debris. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring contaminants onto the record surface.
  2. Finger Placement: Hold the vinyl record along the outer edges or on the label to minimize contact with the playing surface. Avoid touching the grooves, as fingerprints can affect sound quality and cause unnecessary wear over time. In a worst case scenario, a heavy hand that hits the grooves may damage the grooves themselves and cause skips, closed loops, and other audio distortions. 
  3. Gentle Touch: Use a gentle touch when handling vinyl records. Avoid applying excessive pressure or bending the record, as this can lead to warping or permanent damage. Treat your records with care and respect, and don’t “force it”… if you are having a tough time putting your vinyl record on the spindle, or inside its packaging, pause and assess the method of placement, if anything is in your way, etc., rather than pushing hard and ignoring the warning signs of potential damage.
  4. Avoid Dropping: Accidental drops can cause irreparable damage to vinyl records. Always handle them with a secure grip and avoid careless handling that may result in accidents. A protective, padded surface or a dedicated record mat can provide additional safety during handling.
  5. Carefully Place the Stylus: One perhaps overlooked element of handling the vinyl records is how you place the stylus on the record itself once it is placed on the turntable. Many modern turntables have auto-play functionalities with which you can guarantee a slow, gentle placement and minimal impact on the grooves. However, if you have a manual-placement stylus, take care to handle the stylus gently and “guide” it down to the record rather than drop it. Placing the stylus in the very beginnings of the grooves – and not in the middle of a track – can also help preserve the full audio quality.

Best Way to Store Records

Proper storage is vital to maintain the quality and longevity of your vinyl records. Here are some essential tips for storing your custom vinyl records:

  1. Vertical Orientation: Store your records vertically, as this helps prevent warping and ensures even weight distribution. Avoid stacking records horizontally, as the weight can cause damage and deformations.
  2. Record Sleeves: Place your vinyl records in protective inner sleeves made of anti-static material. These sleeves provide an extra layer of protection against dust, scratches, and static buildup. The opening of the inner sleeve should not be on the same side as the opening of the outer jacket – put another way, you should have to pull the inner sleeve out of the outer jacket in order to access the record. That provides one additional element of security from unwanted dust and dirt encroaching on your vinyl record.
  3. Outer Jackets: Store records in their original or high-quality outer jackets to shield them from dust, sunlight, and moisture. Sturdy jackets also provide structural support, preventing records from getting damaged or bent.
  4. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a stable environment for your vinyl collection. Avoid extreme temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight, as these can warp records and damage the covers. Ideally, store your records in a cool, dry place with consistent temperature and humidity levels.

How to Care for Records

Proper care and maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity of your custom vinyl records. Here are a few additional tips to help you take care of your collection:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean your records to remove dust, dirt, and static. Use a carbon fiber or microfiber brush designed for vinyl records to gently remove surface debris before each play. For deeper cleaning, use a record cleaning solution and a soft, lint-free cloth.  The key here is the word “gentle” – do not scrub and scrape! 
  2. Turntable Setup: Ensure your turntable is properly calibrated and aligned to avoid unnecessary wear on your records. Check the tracking force, anti-skate, and stylus condition according to the manufacturer's instructions. 
  3. Needle Care: Take care of your turntable's needle (stylus) by keeping it clean and replacing it when necessary. A worn or damaged needle can damage your records and compromise sound quality. As previously noted, the impact of the stylus and tone arm on your record’s longevity and playback quality is often overlooked, but shouldn’t be!
  4. Regular Play: Playing your records regularly can help prevent buildup of dust and ensure the grooves remain clear. However, be mindful of the number of plays to avoid excessive wear and tear on your records.

Custom Vinyl Records as Cherished Keepsakes

Whether your vinyl records are custom-made or mass-produced, they deserve careful handling and attention. Custom vinyl records hold sentimental value, representing cherished memories and unique creations. They are also just as durable and long-lasting as pressed vinyl, and can provide happy memories and memorable occasions for many years to come if handled, used, and stored properly. Proper care ensures that these records retain their sound quality and serve as treasured keepsakes for many years to come. Reach out to us today to learn more about a custom vinyl record!

Handling and caring for your vinyl records is crucial to preserve their quality and longevity. By following the guidelines provided in this guide, you can ensure that your records are protected from damage and maintain their optimal sound performance. Treat your custom vinyl records with the care and respect they deserve, and they will continue to bring you joy and music for a lifetime.